PTO - Parent Teacher Organization
Our function as PTO is to offer support to the parents and staff as they work together to support our school. We help teachers obtain needed classroom materials, make funds available for items that are normally not a necessity, and help every-one make lasting memories in the students’ lives. We raise money through-out the year. We have several fund-raisers. All of the money raised will be used for students in some way.
We Love the PTO's support of our school!
Please email for more information or call the school office at (254)547-4212.
Meetings are normally twice monthly, please email, see the school calendar, or phone the office to contact your campus PTO representatives if you have any questions.
P.T.O. Activities
Family Nights and Socials
Holiday Store and Fundraisers
Yearbook Sales
End of Year, Holiday, and other Miscellaneous Celebrations
Monthly Meetings (normally twice per month)
Donations and funds raised directly benefit Fairview-Miss Jewell Elementary Students and Teachers.