At its regular June meeting, the CCISD Board of Trustees recognized seven groups of students for their achievements this school year.
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At CCISD's Make It Move summer camp, students worked hands on to learn basic physics and understand force.
Dr. Rebekah Shuck and the admin team at Fairview/Jewell Elementary presented at TASB Summer Leadership Institute in Fort Worth this week on restorative practices & student-teacher relationships at the campus to district leaders & board members from across the state.
Students in CCISD's summer ESL program enjoyed their summer, including read-alouds with Mr. Hernandez as just one of their activities.
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Students at CCISD's Multisensory Camp did creative activities like sight word bingo and sand trays to practice skills like spelling, reading and others. They tapped words out in a board game and challenged each other in spelling with Osmo.
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Williams/Ledger Elementary librarian Savannah Taylor was named Lemonade Day Teacher of the Year for the Greater Fort Cavazos Area!
The program was included in her GT intervention blocks and 400 total students took part in the program on the campus.
Just a reminder that all Copperas Cove ISD offices and campuses will be closed this Wednesday in observance of Juneteenth.
As part of CCISD's summer camps this year, Jungle Book Kids Theater learned the play to perform it in just a week!
Did you know that CCISD offers a hiking summer camp?
This camp allows students to travel around the area and stay active!
CCISD students participated in a Community Service Camp, completing various projects to improve our district and our community during the summer.
CCISD's STEM Camp is allowing students to not only explore different areas of science, but also explore their creative, inventive sides.
Bulldawg Families,
End-of-Course test results are available tomorrow, with results for Grades 3-8 on June 14th.
Check your email for information on how to access your results!
At its regular May meeting, the CCISD Board of Trustees recognized 20 student groups for outstanding achievement and staff members retiring after lengthy careers in public education.
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One of the camps CCISD has available to students this summer is Chess Camp, where students are learning the game and better strategy in it.
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Congratulations to this year's spring graduates at Crossroads High School!
Help us relive their achievement -->
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Still celebrating our graduates from the Copperas Cove HS Class of 2024!
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CCISD’s summer camps are filling up fast! Only a few spots remain in select camps. Learn more by scanning the QR code below!
CCISD's summer feeding program returns on June 3rd at four district campuses.
More information at this link or the QR code below -->
THANK YOU to the wonderful crossing guards for all the work they do every day to keep our students safe as they're going to and leaving school.
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Bulldawg Family,
This is a reminder that we will release from school two hours early Thursday.
We hope you all have a great & safe summer!